Our Society
The 47th Lancashire Regiment of Foot...(Society Beginnings)
“Way back in November 1988, an annual event known as ‘Northern Militaire’ was held in Manchester and it was at this event that a small group of approximately 6 re-enactors from different units/periods, met up to talk about forming a north west based British redcoat unit from the American war of Independence period, 1775 – 1783.
In the previous year, there was a visit to the UK by US re-enactors from the B.A.R. (Brigade of the American Revolution), who toured the south of England on a part sponsored trip, taking in Audley End House. This inspired us to form our own units here which included what was to become the 47th Regiment of Foot by the time of our second meeting over in Rochdale in 1989.

Under the leadership, guidance and research of Gary Ashby from St Helens, we started to source and get kit and uniforms together over the next 2 years.

Here we are flanked by the Artillery and Coldstream Guards of crown forces and the 37th Regiment of Foot, yellow facings (above) at Bolsover Castle in Derbyshire in 1991.
English Heritage events made up most of the sites we visited and larger events from 1996 onwards put the unit as part of a ‘Redcoats through the ages’, from 1645 to 1885, and also the History in Action events that were staged at Kirby Hall, Northants, from 96 to 2002, by which time, we had finally got to double figures in the ranks and could justify a Sergeant and also a drummer as well.”
For the rest of the ‘90’s we toured England during the event seasons of April - October, but also travelled to Jersey as part of the Society of the American Revolution which had a brief existence from 1991 to 95 with most UK groups taking part. Small changes were made to the uniform and kit as new research was discovered, and buttons replaced, haversacks replaced and Canvas Knapsacks produced, painted and the regimental device and royal cipher added. .
English Heritage events made up most of the sites we visited and larger events from 1996 onwards put the unit as part of a ‘Redcoats through the ages’, from 1645 to 1885, and also the History in Action events that were staged at Kirby Hall, Northants, from 96 to 2002, by which time, we had finally got to double figures in the ranks and could justify a Sergeant and also a drummer as well.”

Photograph taken by Kirby Hall (2002)
We continue to grow and develop the society, welcoming all ages to participate at events. If you would like to join us or you would like to know more, please contact via 'Contact Us' or you can visit our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram society pages. (Click these links below)