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47th awarded at Moscow Event

The 47th Regiment of Foot first time at the Times & Epochs, Moscow's largest Living History Event, it was such an amazing experience.

Russia made us feel really welcome, our set up in the 18th century quarter around Red Square, our translators Anna and Elena who helped bridge the language barrier. Our redcoats performed drill and dazzled the public with displays of military discipline, Our ladies taught 18th century games like 'shut the box' and draughts that the public could not get enough of.

After long days in the blazing hot sun we marched on and at the end of our amazing time at this event we were awarded a medal for participating. Our ladies received coins and our soldiers received medals, we felt so honoured.

A huge thank you to all involved at Times & Epochs and our lovely translators Anna & Elena, who have become best friends with the 47th. An additional thank you to Angelika who took some amazing photos at the event. We had so much positive feedback, fingers crossed they ask for us back next year.

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